Pre-conference workshops
On Monday 22nd April we organise two pre-conference workshops:
22nd April | 13.00 - 14.30 hrs
Pre-conference workshop I
Decoding ultrasonography of salivary glands in Sjögren's disease: Mastering grey scale and color doppler imaging
13:00-13:20: A Live Demonstration of the technique
Dr. Sandrine Jousse-Joulin (University of Brest Occidentale)
13:20-13:40: Gray scale and Colour Doppler Scoring: How do we score?
Dr. Alojzija Hocevar (University Medical Centre Ljubljana)
13:40-13:50: Break
13:50-14:30: Scoring all together: an interactive online voting exercise
Dr. Konstantina Delli / Dr. Jolien van Nimwegen / Dr. Alja Stel (University Medical Center Groningen)
22nd April | 15.00 - 16.30 hrs
Pre-conference workshop II
Beyond focus scores! This workshop aims to provide a framework for the assessment of salivary gland biopsies for the diagnosis and treatment of Sjögrens disease. Going beyond the focus score, we will cover additional histological features of Sjögren's disease and peak into the future, considering what computational pathology has to offer in this field.
15:00-15:15: Challenging Cases of Sjögren-associated Histological Features: Sharing First Impressions
15:15-16:00: Challenging Cases of Sjögren-associated Histological Features: Expert Views and Approaches
16:00-16:30: Assessment of Lymphoepithelial Lesions Using Digital Image Analysis and Artifical Intelligence
Dr. Bert van der Vegt / Dr. Gwenny Verstappen / Dr. Frans Kroese (University Medical Center Groningen)
ISSjD 2024
ISSjD 2024info@16issjd.com
ISSjD 2024ISSjD 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced